This document is a copy of SYNTAX Staff Handbook.

Last Updated: 7 November 2023 | Please do not share this handbook to non Syntax staffWelcome to the Syntax Staff Handbook, if you are reading this it means you are either a person joining the Syntax Staff team or the handbook got leaked.
This handbook will cover management hierarchy, what type of content is allowed on Syntax, things to look out for, what type of behavior is tolerated and what to do in certain situations.
If you have any questions about certain topics please ask a higher up.
Management hierarchy
Role | Description |
Owner | The owner of SYNTAX (aka SomethingElse) |
Administrator | Higher management, all moderators should report to Administrators |
Moderator | Does content moderation and has access to user panel, all junior moderators should report to Moderators |
Media Manager | Creates content for Syntax social media channels, does not do anything related to site management. Reports to owner |
Junior Moderator | Only does content moderation, can be promoted after showing enough activity |
All roles will report to the role above them
(eg. Moderator reports to Administrator)
(Except for Media Manager)
Do not disturb those who you do not report to, or else you will be warned.
Content moderation
Banned Content
- NSFW (Please report it to HR if you do find one)
- Gore
- Furry related content
- Anti-Semitism
- Aggressive Swearing
- Racial Slurs
- LGBTQ related content
- Thigh highs
Allowed Content
- Anything else
If you find any content which does not meet our guidelines but has already been accepted please report it to your higher up.
Please be on the lookout for suspicious T-Shirts which are commonly used to overlay text onto another Shirt to form inappropriate content.
Expected behavior as staff
We want to give a good first impression of Syntax to new users, try to always answer their questions to the best of your ability. If they ask for an invite key you should try to give one if you can.
Do not
- Make racist jokes (and ofc Jeno)
- Say racial slurs in VC (Jeno)
- Start an argument (def Jeno)
- Tell people to kill themselves (also Jeno)
Answering common questions
Why does Windows Defender block Syntax?
- As Windows Defender thinks that Syntax is a trojan because our clients are very similar to actual Roblox Clients
How can I block Windows Defender from removing Syntax?
- Please watch this video which shows you how to install Syntax and prevent Windows Defender from removing Syntax How To Install Syntax On Windows
I donated $5 on Ko-Fi but never received any OBC key.
- Please open a ticket in our Discord Server so we can resolve the issue, please also provide proof of purchase and what email you used.
How do I claim TBC after boosting?
- Run the /claim-turbo command in the Discord Server, please make sure to have your Discord linked to the correct account
Handling situations
User Exploiting
- Please take evidence like images and videos then submit a ban request in the #ban-request channel, please ping an Administrator in this situation.
User spamming in-game
- Take evidence minimum required is images and submit a ban request, you do not need to ping an Administrator for this.
If you do break the SYNTAX Staff Handbook it may result in a demotion.